



is this the real life - 难道这是真的?is this just fantasy - 难道这只是幻觉?caught in a landslide - 山崩地裂 no escape from reality - 无路可逃 open your ...

皇后乐队歌曲We will we well rock you的翻译

buddy you're a boy 伙伴,你是个男孩 make a big noise playing in the street 在街头大吵大闹 gonna be a big man some day 以后你长大成人 you got mud on your...

皇后乐队we will rock you翻译下歌词

We Will Rock You Buddy,you're a boy 伙计,你是一个小男孩 Make a big noise playing in the street 大声嚷嚷的在街头鬼混 Gonna be a big man someday 希望有一...

求皇后乐队的Killer Queen中文歌词

Killer Queen 歌手:Queen 词曲:Queen She keeps a Moët et Chandon in her pretty cabinet 她那精美的酒橱里...


Open your eyes 睁开眼睛 Look up to the skies and see -抬头看看天空 I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy - 我只是个穷人的孩子,不需要同情 Because I'm ...

杂文‖顺手翻译的歌词《Spread your wings》Quee

作词/作曲:约翰·迪肯 Sammy was low 萨米情绪很是低落 Just watching the show 眼睁睁地看着台上的表演 Over and over again 一次一次又一次地 Knew it was time...

求Behemian Rhapsody Queen(皇后乐队)的歌词翻译

will you let me go - bismillah! no -, we will not let you go - let him go - bismillah! we will not let you go - let him go bismillah! we will not let...

皇后乐队 mama是什么歌?

是由皇后乐队(Queen)演唱的《波西米亚狂想曲》,完整歌词:这是真实的人生。Is this just fantasy。还是梦幻一场...

谁能帮我把皇后乐队 《play the game》的英文歌词翻

Open up your mind and let me step inside 打开你的心扉 让我进去吧 Rest your weary head and let your heart decide 让你疲倦的头脑休息片刻 让你的心做决定 It...

求皇后乐队 《39'》中文歌词 求靠谱 谢谢

Assembled here the volunteers 志愿者在此聚集 In the days when lands were few 那是个土地匮乏的年代 Here the ship sailed out into the blue and sunny morn ...

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